Our Services

Enterprise Applications

At Gargo technologies, you can simplify the entire process of building a complex ERP system from the ground up because we understand your specific and unique needs. Regardless of size or industry, our implementation approaches focus on delivering the tools and infrastructure to assure customer success. We can help you select the right ERP package for your needs, whether you're implementing a new ERP system or migrating your old apps to the cloud.

With our assistance, ERP upgrade can be an opportunity for enjoyment and improvement. We can aid in migrating or upgrading to a new ERP package system from a legacy system. We offer you the best tools that can make your data conversion easy. We can also train your resources on how to use the new features, dashboards and functionality of the new solution.

With our hybrid paradigm, you may choose between on-premise, cloud-based, or hybrid ERP solutions. To run an on-premise ERP system, you'll need a lot of high-end PCs. Our cloud-based Software as a Service (SaaS) strategy helps you avoid the need to increase your IT expenditure by removing such deployment needs. Our SME clients prefer the SaaS model. You can use SaaS to access ERP software from any computer with an Internet connection. Instead of a fixed pricing, you can choose for a subscription-based payment strategy to access the ERP solution in this situation. We offer an on-premise solution for businesses with in-house IT capabilities to handle ERP software and servers.