Our Services

Migration Services

Migration is often a starting point — determining what can and should move to the cloud and how to get it there. Insight CDCT is an expert resource to leverage during this and all proceeding phases of cloud transformation.

The purpose of data center transformation is to ensure that every detail is attended to in order to ensure a safe and smooth transfer — as well as the most efficient use of platforms. However, along the road, difficulties like static data, abandoned apps, and inconsistent processes can be identified. It's vital to use the right approaches to satisfy availability, scalability, security, and efficiency goals while also providing proper support for the business.

Cloud + Data Center Transformation (CDCT) gives strategy and stability throughout what might be a complex and intimidating process, with more than three decades of experience. We have the knowledge to recognize common pitfalls, fine-tune procedures, and develop flexible, scalable migration and consolidation solutions.

Our Migration Services can help you:
  • Increase visibility of your IT estate, including infrastructure, configurations, and dependencies.
  • Plan and execute migrations to support transitions to and from private cloud, public cloud, and hybrid models.
  • Support business growth and modernization efforts.
  • Improve processes and governance to control expenditures and reduce risk.
  • Simplify IT management and enable digital transformation.
  • Navigate major business events (M&A, divestitures, reductions).